
For more than 80 years since its founding, the Nikkasan Group has been developing many different metal-based chemicals, and delivering them to a broad array of industries.
As we look forward to 2030, we are aiming to not just strengthen the foundation of our business,
but also to achieve a sustainable society in partnership with various stakeholders by tackling social issues even more earnestly.

Establishment of “Basic Procurement Policy of NIHON KAGAKU SANGYO CO., LTD.”

Corporate social responsibilities in social norms, human rights, environment, etc., are becoming increasingly important. NIHON KAGAKU SANGYO CO., LTD. has been promoting more responsible procurement activities, as part of which we have established this Basic Procurement Policy.
With this Policy, we aim to build mutual trust relationships by fulfilling our corporate social responsibilities and forming good partnerships with our business partners.
As such, we would like to ask our business partners to understand the objective of this Basic Procurement Policy.

Basic Procurement Policy of NIHON KAGAKU SANGYO CO., LTD.

Established: April 1, 2024

(i) Compliance with Laws and Regulations as Well as Social Norms
We will comply with all laws and regulations as well as social norms related to procurement and purchasing activities.
(ii) Considerations for Human Rights and Labor
We will prohibit all acts that violate human rights and create an appropriate labor environment in accordance with the international treaties, labor law, and other related laws and regulations.
(iii) Fair, Equal, and Sincere Transactions
We will treat our business partners as equals and provide fair trading opportunities; business partners will be decided fairly and sincerely through strict and fair competition.
(iv) Consideration for the Environment
We will be mindful of social situations and needs to promote procurement activities, giving due consideration to the protection of the global environment as well as to environmental conservation and reduction of environmental burdens.
(v) Maintenance and Improvement of Quality
To achieve customer needs, we will strive to maintain and improve our products and services with our business partners.
(vi) Building Partnerships
Based on mutual understanding and trust relationships with our business partners, we will strive to build good partnerships.

Initiatives for the Saitama Prefecture
Global Warming Strategy Promotion Ordinance

In accordance with the Saitama Prefectural Ordinance, the Saitama Factory (Soka City, Saitama Prefecture), the Otone Factory (Kazo City, Saitama Prefecture), and the Aoyagi Factory (Soka City, Saitama Prefecture), have established their targets for reduction in greenhouse gas emission, and annually report on their volume of greenhouse gas emission as well as how their emission countermeasures are being implemented. In particular, the Saitama Factory, which is designated as a large facility falling within the scope of Saitama Prefecture’s Target Setting Emissions Trading System, is subject to third party verification.