
Developing an Advanced Metals Recycling Business
-Aiming to establish closed-loop recycling of EV batteries-

For many years, we have conducted research and development on the separation and refining technologies required for metal recycling, as well as on battery materials. By combining these proprietary technologies to generate synergies, it will be possible to separate and refine metals such as nickel, cobalt, and lithium found in used EV secondary batteries and reuse them as EV battery materials.

In addition, we are using this technological development as the basis to collaborate with various partners involved in our supply chain, aiming to establish closed-loop recycling of EV batteries with a view to reducing environmental impact and effectively utilizing resources not only at Nihon Kagaku Sangyo itself, but also throughout our entire supply chain.

-Construction of a Pilot Plant to Develop an Advanced Merals Recycling Business-

As part of our efforts to conduct technological validation aimed at commercial development of a metal recycling process, we recently decided to build a pilot plant in the Iwaki Yotsukura Core Industrial Park located in the city of Iwaki in Fukushima Prefecture. Following construction of the plant, we will further step up our technological validation of the process we are developing for separating and refining metals such as nickel, cobalt, and lithium found in used electric vehicle (EV) lithium-ion batteries and reusing these metals as EV battery materials and other resources.

Construction of this pilot plant comprises one of the proactive, strategic initiatives we are undertaking to realize the vision for our chemicals business set out in our New Mid-Term Management Plan. Striving to contribute to a recycling society and to decarbonization by the year 2030, we set out a three-part vision for our chemicals business, aspiring to develop a one-of-a-kind chemicals business, a cutting-edge materials business, and an advanced metals recycling business.


Conceptual image of completed plant

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